ManageIQ Lab Notes

16th March 2016
by InfiniteMonkeys

Install ManageIQ for vCenter 5.5 environments

Download and deploy OVF, use the console to configure static IP
* Took a few minutes before VM was ready post login prompt for the “appliance_console” menu to work, even on SSD backed storage.

Defult user is “root/admin” passwd: “smartvm”

If you want to replace the SSL, just replace “server.cer” and “server.cer.key” in:

(Make sure you bundle the server.cer with root etc.. read more here)

We replaced the following files:
brand, bg-login, bg-login-2 and favicon in /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/assets/images

And background colour change: “$login-bg-color: #083c5a”; in /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/assets/stylesheets/main.scss

  • vmdb && bundle exec rake assets:clean
  • vmdb && bundle exec rake assets:precompile
  • service evmserverd restart




Download the latest VDDK, then ( needs a free VMware account ):
# cd /root
# tar -xvf VMware-vix-disklib-5.5.5-2962804.x86_64.tar.gz
# cd vmware-vix-disklib-distrib
# ./

Accept the defaults during the installation
Run ldconfig in order for ManageIQ to find the newly installed VDDK library
# ldconfig
# ldconfig -p | grep vix

Discover VMware Providers

Go to Infrastructure → Providers.
Click Configuration → Discover
Click VMware vCenter and put in the IP Range.
Wait a few minutes and refresh the browser page.
Click the new Provider, then click Configure → Edit this Provider.
Add and validate the credentials.
Click Configure → Refresh Relationships.

* Once discovered, you need to add the host credentials for reporting to work /infrastructure/hosts/select host or hosts/configuration/edit
this item. Also not sure why but better to discover than manually add according to the forum.

Some more initial tasks here.

And the getting started guid here.
Community support available here.

Charts: “Invalid chart data. Try regenerating the widgets.”
Edit /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_widget/chart_content.rb
Change report.chart to report.chart.to_yaml
* Eitheir let the charts update as usual or refresh manually with:
/reports/dashboard widgets/select chart/configuration/generate widget container now.

  • Took a few days for the reports to fill with data, so patience. : )