GDPR Compliance

21st May 2018
by InfiniteMonkeys

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU law covering data protection and privacy which will update and replace the existing Data Protection Act for the 21st Century.

This regulation, which comes into force from 25th May 2018, will mark the biggest change to data protection law in decades and applies to any organisation across the world which collects, stores or processes personal information relating to EU citizens.

GDPR will mean that your company will become more accountable for the handling of sensitive information, and failure to comply can result in some undesirable consequences including potentially devastating fines.

Since GDPR compliance will force you to gain better visibility of the data your organisation is responsible for and reassess internal processes, the regulation also offers an opportunity to streamline the way in which your business operates. It can even help you create a competitive advantage if approached in the correct way.

Our customers can act as data controllers or data processors within their environment. As a data controller, the services you use may determine how you configure those services to help meet your GDPR compliance needs. For example, cloud services that are classified as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), are under your control and require you to perform all routine security configuration and management that would be necessary. With hosted virtual machines, you are responsible for managing: guest OS (including updates and security patches), application software or utilities installed on the instances.

We layer extensive protection around our hosted offerings, from using ISO 27001 certified Data Centre’s to internal polices and procedures to safe guard your data. Encryption, Open Source Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and IP black list blocking are just some of the features we can help secure your hosted platform.

For more details on GDPR and to see the complete list of Articles: